
New CBV & a few things from Target

I've totally gotten hooked on Candles by Victoria. How could I not? There are so many scents to choose from and everything smells so good! There really is a scent for everyone. Luckily they have a page of all the scent descriptions otherwise, I'd be lost! I received my second order tonight which consisted of a warmer for the tart I got in my last order (you get a free one with every order). I just fired up the warmer about half an hour ago and it works great! The cool thing is you can use it for your jar candles too so you get more bang for your buck, which is always awesome. Here's what I got:

My warmer. I got it in "black marble"

I ordered "Baked Apple Strudel" & "Vanilla After Dark"
My free tart was "Apple Vanilla" which I have on the warmer right now. It actually smells really nice, more vanilla than apple.

My free tart from my first order "Maple Nut Sticky Bun"

Here's my cute mini candle in "Crackling Birch"

Now onto my Target stash. I bought some really random stuff today. One of my prized purchases, which I also forgot to take a picture of (shame on me!) was this skirt. I tried on a 12 which fit well but I'm still losing weight so I went ahead and bought a 10 which is a little snug in the hips but hopefully by Christmas it will fit fine. Hopefully. I also got these cute little socks:
How adorable? I love the Scotty dogs & the bows. 

I also got some new underwear but I didn't feel the need to take pics because that's just awkward.

I also got another Glade candle in Apple Cinnamon because my other one is all burned down. But once I got home I realized I already had 2 more of these. Oh well I wont need to buy any more for awhile

I also got this:
Mostly because I lost the brush from my last one. Lame I know. I should have just gone and bought an eyeliner brush or whatever but I don't know that much about make-up brushes so oh well.

And then I just had to get this book:
I teared up just looking at the cover. Yes I was on the verge of crying in the book aisle at Target. Don't judge me. I'm a huge softie when it comes to anything with animals. This is about a dog that was a victim of dog fighting :( I can't wait to start reading this book.

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